Maintaining Two Males Together

A second use of the Betta Magic™ is maintaining two male Bettas in one container: one who is inside the Betta Magic™ and one who free swims. Warning: often there is a certain amount of deliberate matching to accomplish this.

Use only two fish of similar age. If you want to try to place two mature Bettas together, do so very carefully and watch them. Older Bettas need to be reconditioned more deliberately to accept each other over time but once matched, they will amaze you with their new level of health and activity!

Place two fish in your container: one inside the Betta Magic™ and one free-swimming. Add floating plants to both the outside AND sparingly to the inside of the Betta Magic™. Watch them carefully over a period of a day. If they both enjoy this arrangement then you are halfway done. The next day, switch the free-swimmer with the Betta who was previously enclosed and if they are eating, flagging, swimming and napping they are matched. Your job will be to make certain that you switch their positions often, hopefully, every day.

If either Betta initially turns pale or swims erratically, you've got fish who will require you to make a slower introduction. Start by leaving one fish inside the Betta Magic™ in a bowl by himself for at least one day. Don't forget his floating plants to rest on! Introduce another Betta to the outside area of the container but for only a few minutes on the second day. Do this every day adding more and more time. Within three days they should get the idea. Reverse this procedure until they recognize each other and can remember the security each has.

Always use plants both inside and outside of the Betta Magic™! Your matched pair won't necessarily like a stranger so once matched, keep other fish away. It is the close recognition of the fish that makes the matching either difficult or easy.