
Use a big pinch of sea salt when changing your Betta's water!
If your Betta ever seems "listless" do a water change and increase the sea salt to 2 pinches but never use table salt! Sea salt makes the water "softer" and makes the fish very comfortable.

If raising Bettas in a round container or bowl, take your pliers and bend your rectangular net into a circle. You'll be able to catch your fish without stressing them. A rectangular net is good for only straight-sided aquariums or containers.

If your Betta goes off his food, do three days of 1/3 water changes and don't offer food until the 4th day. If he still refuses; he's sick or...

If he is a new Betta, he might have been raised on brine or other yummy live or frozen food and he doesn't recognize your pellets as food. Take him back to the breeder or pet store! This can be a real problem for the consumer unless you want to commit to the same expensive routine of purchasing live food. Maybe if we all return these "gourmet diners" they'll stop creating a problem for us.

Fact: Bettas live about 2 years and seldom longer. Sad fact!

When your Betta is dying, place him inside your refrigerator. This will humanely put him to sleep.

If your Betta gets Ick, (white spots that look like sugar granules that stick to his fins), treat him separately in a container for the Ick medication will stain the Betta Magic™ and throw off your water balance.

The more gravel, the cleaner the water. When you raise Bettas, try to put at least an inch or two in their container. The more gravel, the better. This is not true when you breed your Bettas.